Vasectomy: Protecting the Woman You Love

When you’re sure don’t want to have any more children, vasectomy is one of the best choices a responsible man can make for his family. The procedure is safe and 99.9% effective in preventing an unwanted pregnancy, unlike most other forms of contraception.

Men have few options when it comes to birth control. Condoms, unpopular with both sexes, are the only choice on the market. Men must rely on their female partners to manage pregnancy prevention.

Worrying about getting pregnant can definitely take the edge off desire for men and women. Vasectomy removes that concern from the equation.

A couple’s sex life is known to improve after the procedure for just this reason. Women know the risks they face using the most common methods of contraception. An unwanted pregnancy is just one of many.

So if your wife or significant other seems less enthusiastic in the bedroom, you may want to consider the reasons why.

Women’s Reproductive Process

Most men know very little about how a woman’s reproductive system works. Every month, their bodies go through a hormonal cascade to develop eggs in the ovaries and prepare the uterus for an embryo in the event of fertilization.  If an egg isn’t fertilized, the fortified membranes in the uterus are expelled during the menstrual cycle or period.  Multiple hormones flood her system throughout the process – estrogen, FSH, LH and progesterone.

Birth control pills, patches, rings, shots and implants all tamper with that mix and they use synthetic hormones to do it.

Hormonal birth control is mostly effective but there are caveats. In the case of pills, typical use patterns make them only 92% effective. They must be taken daily and preferably at the same time each day, but accidents happen and people miss a pill.

Here’s some facts about hormonal side effects:

  • Birth control pills also raise a woman’s risk of cervical cancer, as well as contribute to slight uptick in risk for breast cancer.
  • Women at risk for breast cancer should not use Implanon, the most common hormonal implant.
  • Women who use the patch have a higher risk of blood clots. The shot can cause cramping, weight gain, stomach aches and a decrease in libido.
  • The ring can cause vaginitis and contribute to more yeast infections.

In varying degrees, hormonal birth control products contribute to adverse effects that include vaginitis, blood clots, nausea and migraines.  And those are the just common side effects. Heart attack, liver damage, gall bladder disease and ectopic pregnancy are less common but still happen.

Vasectomy prevents unwanted pregnancy as well as minimizes women's risk from birth control

We men have to ask ourselves why women should be exposed to such risk when a vasectomy could eliminate it, as well as prevent pregnancy?

Many men assume that a vasectomy is a complicated procedure that may affect their virility or libido. That’s a myth.  A vasectomy takes less than a hour and No-Scalpel method used at the Pollock Clinics shortens post-recovery period and minimizes discomfort.

Once your semen tests negative for sperm (typically around 90 days after the procedure) there’s no more wondering if your wife took her pill. It doesn’t matter any more.  Passion (for both of you) comes easier without anxiety.

With vasectomy, there’s virtually no risk of an unplanned pregnancy or adverse effects to your wife or partner.

Male sex hormones, like women’s, are genetically ingrained to support pro-creation. But unlike their female counterparts, male sex hormones have one only job – arousal.  In other words, women get stuck with the emotional ups and downs while men get the erections.

FYI: Vasectomy has no impact on testosterone – the hormone behind the hard-on.

What About IUDs?

Inter-uterine devices (IUDs) are small plastic devices that must be inserted and removed by a doctor. There are two types of devices: Copper and Hormonal.  Though IUDs are much safer than they used to be, one consistent problem remains: they can be expelled without the woman being aware.

A woman relying on an IUD for birth control is encouraged do a physical check after her period to confirm that the device is still in place.

The  typical failure rate (i.e. unplanned pregnancy) for women using IUDs is very low about 1%. But the risks those 1% face are high.  Chances of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy (where the egg stays in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus) are higher than normal.  Ectopic pregnancies always end before term and can cause permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive help.

Time for Men to Step Up?

Men have to make their own decisions about their sexual responsibilities. But if your wife or significant other is putting herself at risk – either with minor adverse effects or critical health threats – surely it’s time to consider your role in planning the size of your family.

So let’s look at some facts:

  • Vasectomy is simple, safe and virtually 100% effective in preventing pregnancy.
  • There are no side effects, no drugs to take, no pills to manage. Nothing inserted anywhere.
  • Once it’s confirmed that there’s no sperm left in your semen – you and your partner never have to use birth control again. No pills, no creams, no rings, no shots.  No condoms!
  • Vasectomy has no physical affect on testosterone. So when you get aroused, you and your wife can do what comes naturally. No checking for a condom or wondering if she took her pill.

Most men feel a strong protective urge toward the woman they love. When our families are the right size, we can make sure they stay that way, without expecting the woman in our life to put herself at risk.

tubal ligation vs vasectomy for women
sexual latin and vasectomy procedures