Their destination? Not your typical road trip hotspot. They instead travelled to the operating room, prepared to say farewell to their fertility and get a vasectomy. The purpose of this expedition goes beyond medical procedures: it’s about friendship, supporting each other, and redefining societal norms. The story begins with four friends from Vancouver in their early 40s. They found themselves at a crossroads, contemplating the next phase of their lives. In a moment of camaraderie (and perhaps a touch of audacity) they made a pact to undergo their vasectomies together.
Learn more about their story here.
As they planned their journey, the friends faced a mix of reactions. Some applauded their solidarity and commitment to reproductive responsibility, while others raised eyebrows at the unconventional nature of their pact. It can be difficult for men to seek treatment for their sexual or reproductive health. Yet, undeterred by societal norms, they forged ahead. They viewed the road trip as a symbol of their friendship and mutual support.
Listen to Dr. Pollock’s interview here.
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