The Pollock Philanthropic Fund

Every year part of Pollock Clinics’ revenue is donated to the Pollock Philanthropic Fund to support our vision of giving back.

Dr. Pollock set up the Pollock Philanthropic Fund in 2007 to distribute support to local and overseas charities and causes. The Fund receives contributions from Pollock Clinics as well as from our doctors and our patients.

The Charitable Mission

The mission of the Fund is to support local and international charitable initiatives such as social service organizations focused on poverty relief, food banks, housing, and improving the lives of vulnerable seniors.

The Fund also supports healthcare charities such as the Arthritis Society and the BC Cancer Foundation, as well as supporting overseas surgical teaching missions carried out by our doctors.

Doctors Pollock and Chang also donate their time to many important causes within their field of medical expertise, such as volunteer surgical teaching missions to Haiti, Rwanda, and the Philippines. 

Both doctors are also active teaching in the UBC Faculty of Medicine.

Pollock Clinics is proud to give back to our community, and beyond, by supporting charities here in Vancouver and around the world. 

Pollock Philanthropic Fund logo of charity supported
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No-Scalpel Vasectomy International Inc. is a non-profit organization. Their mission is to provide FREE voluntary vasectomy as a way to help manage population growth in the Philippines, Haiti, Kenya, and other developing countries. The NSVI and its volunteer medical teams literally change people’s lives. Access to vasectomy is often the difference between exhaustion, crushing poverty, dangerous pregnancy terminations or more children than can be cared for properly. Not only do families struggle, but developing nations with high birth rates often lack adequate resources to support the people who live there. Effective family planning will reduce the burden of poverty, hunger, homelessness, joblessness, unwanted pregnancies,and high maternal and infant mortality rates. The most common cause of death among women in developing countries age 15-35 are complications of pregnancy and delivery.
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dr pollock circumcision Pollock Philanthropic Fund
Pollock PHilanthropic Fund charity mission support